Music: My Sunshine - Reeyah

Music: My Sunshine - Reeyah

Super talented gospel act, Reeyah release a new sound from heaven entitled "My Sunshine".

Speaking about the song, she said "Although, in my human feelings I asked so many questions and was curious to have answers to those "whys" and "whats",  this song is a reaffirmation of my trust in Jesus. I don't need to understand everything He is doing in my life completely. But I know He is here, He never left. He Has been with me through all. He is here with me right now. 

And He will forever be with me. Over to someone reading this! No matter the circumstances of life surrounding you, get comfort that the Lord Jesus is with you, even when He isn't saying anything. For without the threshing, the chaff abideth with the grains. He is making you. And you know that sweet wine comes from crushed grapes. Get comfort from the throne of grace! "

Connect with Reeyah
Facebook: Gloria Wangi Lukas
Facebook Page: Reeyah
Instagram: Reeyah_I


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