Gospel music minister and songwriter Brother Baldwin dishes out a brand new single melody titled “I Believe & I Receive“.
I Believe & I Receive Lyrics
Your plans for me it’s going to happen
i believe and i receive .
The plans you have for me i shall fulfill it ibelieve and i receive Oh Lord .
Your plans for Peace not for evil i believe and i receive .
i am a head not tail say the Lord I believe and i receive .
No matter what the devil try i don’t care i am a owner of my shair i believe and i receive .
i am a child of God i’m no longer slave i believe and i receive.
Your plans for me it’s going to happen i believe and i receive Oh Lord.
me i believe and i receive
( i believe and i receive 4)
i am no longer slave
i am a child of God
Ooooh i believe .
My brothers and sisters i don’t know what you are going through
in the book of John 11 verse 40 Jesus say to her did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God ?
just believe and you will receive hallelujah .
He’s plans for you it’s the plans of Peace if you believe you will receive my brother.
He’s plans for you it’s the plans of success if you believe you will receive my sister .
The plans of God will never fail, if you believe it you will receive .
You are born to shine born to rule if you believe it you will receive .
No matter what devil try don’t worry you are the owner of your shair. if you believe it you will receive.
You are born to succeed not to fail if you believe it you will receive.
He’s plans for you it’s going to happen if you believe it you will receive.
Me i believe and i receive.
i am no longer slave
i am a child of God
Ooooh I believe.
Let the poor say i am rich.
Let the weak say i am strong.
Let the sick say i am heal .
Ooooh i believe .
i was born to shine
i was born to rule
i was born to excel
Ooooh i believe .
You shall never die young .
your children will succeed .
you will enjoy the fruit of your labour
if you believe you will receive .